Mill Park YouthTruth Highlights 2023-2024

Since 2018 David Douglas School District has partnered with the nonprofit organization YouthTruth to survey families and students regarding their experiences with our school. The survey explores topics such as Engagement, Academic Rigor, Instructional Methods, Relationships, Safety, Emotional and Mental Health, Culture, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Our school uses the data…

Smiling, happy clipart kids with the words "Register now: Before school offices close in June" and "Join us this summer"

Get Ready for Kindergarten 2023-24

Now is the time to enroll in kindergarten for kids who will be five years old by September 1. We encourage families to complete registration by June 1, before offices close for the summer. In addition to allowing your child time to become familiar with their school and teacher, registering before the…

Talk bubble icons with graph symbols, YouthTruth initials and DDSD logo

Mill Park YouthTruth Highlights

Since 2018 David Douglas School District has partnered with the nonprofit organization YouthTruth to survey families and students regarding their experiences with our school. The survey explores topics such as Engagement, Academic Rigor, Instructional Methods, Relationships, Safety, Emotional and Mental Health, Culture, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Our school uses the data…

Photo of preschool child smiling at classroom table with the words Preschool Registration

2023-24 Preschool Registration

Preschool registration for the 2023-24 school year at Mill Park is now open. For program details and to complete an interest form, please visit the District’s Early Learning website. Mill Park’s preschool classrooms are currently funded through Preschool Promise. The program has income restrictions. Preschool Promise (PSP) offers free, high-quality preschool to…